Meet Our Coaches

CfCL coaches are experienced leaders who are committed to walking alongside coachees with the posture of a critically engaged, proactive, and prayerful collaborator in the Gospel.

Coaches look for signs of spiritual, personal, and ministry growth and development. They create ‘balcony’ spaces so coachees can rise above pressing ministry demands to take stock and evaluate their ministry, refresh their vision, celebrate progress, and strengthen their resolve in challenging times.

Drawing on their own leadership experiences, but not limited to them, coaches facilitate and resource learning and context-sensitive problem solving without prescribing outcomes or decisions.

Our coaches have lived ministry experience – they are ‘one of us’ and understand the complexity of leadership in this space.


Amy Page-Whiting


Dan Sheed


Darren Ayling


Dave Tims


Digby Wilkinson


Graeme Flett


Jax Clark


Karen Kemp


Kim Shaw


Martin Macaulay


Matt Lilly


Phil Stedman


Rachael Cox

Proverbs 11:14

Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.

About CfCL Coaches

CfCL coaches see the individual leader’s growth and development within their wider ministry context, and coach them toward observable improvement.

CfCL coaches focus on three key areas for development.


CfCL coaches work with the coachee towards an ever-deeper awareness of God, self, and others in their context. This will likely include:

The kind of prayerful discernment of God’s restorative and transformative work in and through the coachee more commonly associated with spiritual direction.

The kind of disciplined reflection on practice, including how their practice impacts on others, more commonly associated with pastoral supervision.

Coaching questions that help the coachee to more critically engage with the particularities of their own context.


CfCL coaches support coachees to find greater clarity and conviction about both their vocation and their vision for ministry. This may include:

Biblical and theological reflection on personal and ministry issues.

Exploration of how coachee vocation and sense of call aligns with and supports the strategic direction of their church within the wider vision of the Kingdom.

Recognition that clarity about vocation and giftings, along with deep, hope-filled conviction about the good news of the Kingdom, are what shapes the coachee’s ministry.


CfCL coaches are committed to growing a collaborative network of variously gifted coaches, practitioners, and educators that coachees can leverage.

Leverages coachee awareness, conviction, and fresh insights toward greater competence in mutually agreed ministry skills development.

Identify and leverage fruitful intersections and networks that contribute to the coachee’s personal and ministry growth.