


BEd, Dip. Teaching (Primary), DipMin, GradDip Th

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I am grateful for the many people who were influential in my discipleship and leadership growth, experiencing the richness of the family of faith as I grew up. Time spent in India as a child gave me a bigger picture of the world and my heart was moulded by the compassion of God for people of the nations. As a university student, I studied Education and Teaching, while leading Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship (TSCF) Christian Union which brought a deeper love for God and understanding of the Bible. These experiences shaped my calling into ministry that empowers disciples of Jesus to find their place in God’s story.

I worked as a teacher initially and then joined Scripture Union’s Youth ministry, supporting emerging Christian leaders in schools and on camps. I later worked in Alternative Education and as a College Chaplain and volunteered in many youth groups. With my husband, Dan, we worked as teachers in Asia for seven years providing education and pastoral care for children and youth from over 30 countries. We now have three children, so ministry and motherhood are interwoven for me, a dance of ever-changing priorities. I currently work for TSCF, investing in young adult leaders, discipling them through thoughtful engagement with the biblical narrative, mentoring, training and encouraging students to grow in confidence and conviction for cross-cultural, gospel-centred relationships on their campus. I enjoy dreaming up creative ways to communicate the gospel among diverse communities.  Local church ministry involves worship leading and occasional preaching in our small new church-plant in the suburb where we live.

I have experience in governance of not-for-profit organisations and as part of the national leadership team of mission organisations bringing strengths in strategic planning, reflective practice and supervision into these contexts. I have recently completed my Graduate Diploma in Theology through Laidlaw College.

I enjoy coaching as a mode of supporting and developing leaders as they seek God’s wisdom on questions and situations in their own life and ministry context, guiding people through reflective listening and open questions into a new sense of clarity and enthusiasm for the way forward. I have personally benefited greatly from being coached and know how liberating the process is. I look forward to journeying in this way with Christian leaders through the Centre for Church Leadership.

“Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within.” – Proverbs 20:5 (MSG)