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As a teenager I was inspired to take up tramping through the stories told by my Girls Brigade leader, especially her description of the Heaphy Track. I wanted to see it for myself. Many years later I walked the Heaphy and discovered that such a walk is not for the faint hearted. Over the years other great walks in NZ followed and inevitably I would discover to walkthem, to see the sights required hard work, perseverance and good rain gear! Not to mention great companions and plenty of snacks. Tough but so rewarding, just like Psalm 84:5-8 describes. These verses mention a walk, a pilgrimage towards the Presence of God. The way is long and through dark valleys but the pilgrim goes from strength to strength and the hard times are turned into blessings. Verses that have not only encouraged me but also create a metaphor of our journey as Christ followers.

I grew up in a Christian home and decided to follow Jesus very early in my life. I set out after university to become a secondary schoolteacher when my path took a sudden turn into working for Papakura Assembly of God. I was the “girl Friday”. A rich experience of doing anything and everything to help grow a local church, including running a Rock Solid club forYouth for Christ. Ten years later, my path turned towards overseas mission, and I explored a variety of places and spaces in Asia, eventually ending up for two and a half years in Singapore working in a local secondary school and doing “mission” with World Outreach. This fascinating cross-cultural experience laid the foundation for the next turn in the path. I was invited back to NewZealand to join the pastoral team for what is now Church Unlimited in WestAuckland, a multi-cultural church with a passion for prayer and revival. For over twenty-six years children, youth, women, missions, discipleship and administration have been the primary areas of my ministry and leadership. In doing so, I have developed a passion to equip and strengthen both leaders, individuals and organisations so that they can achieve the kingdom purpose God has called them to. This also motivates me to write.

Mentoring, coaching, discipling these are words I have used and taught and done informally, but it is not until more recently have I been able to explore coaching more formally first through Strengths Coaching and now with CfCL. I am fascinated in the way the Holy Spirit is present and active in these coaching sessions, bringing light bulb moments and strategies to move forward.

Just as I have enjoyed tramping with friends who encourage, strengthen and laugh at the challenges, doing ministry and leadership is so much better if we have companions like Coaches sharing the road with us. Together we can go from strength to strength in our pursuit of Christ and His mission, wherever that may take us.